About company
Retail Facility Management

Samal Tolengutova
Director of LLP «Retail Facility Management»
Dear customers and partners
Kazakhstan's real estate management industry is young and just becoming an independent market segment. RFM is a professional market operator with extensive experience.
Our company has all necessary resources that are crucial for smooth operation of commercial buildings and structures of small or large areas, including: highly professional staff of technical and administrative direction, modern equipment and the latest software.
Responding to the challenges of today, our company strictly adheres to the policy of sustainable development and costs reduction of our customers.
By choosing us, you obtain a guaranteed quality and savings in the operation of the building up to 15%!
We wish you good luck and hope to see you among our customers!

Our mission and perspectives
Our priorities at work
- Preparation of facility management program
- Development of budget of income and expenses, routine plans for facility management
- Organization of maintenance and sanitary maintenance of property
- Analysis and monitoring of real estate market
- Organization of advertising and promotion of facility
- Work with property clients: involving tenants, liaison with clients,
- Customer service organization
- Financial management at facility: planning, accounting, reporting and organization of calculations
- Work with suppliers of goods and services, contractors, state control and supervision authorities, etc.
- Work to preserve and improve operational and consumer properties, to increase market value of property
- Automation of all business processes
- security organization and assurance
- Timely, complete and accurate reporting to the management founder
Mission and perspective
Our mission is to provide consumers of our services with a safe, comfortable and technological environment, planning and providing professional services - perfect and resource-saving, now and in the future.
Our perspective is to be a professional property management team, which is widely known as an advanced company creating and maintaining an exceptional working environment and comfort.
Many years of experience
Workmanship: Serving the interests of consumers of our services is our ultimate goal.
Innovations: Highly appreciating the workmanship and supporting creativity, we encourage innovations of our employees to provide the best services and highest level of management.
Respect: Our attitude to all people is respectful and worthy. We do our best to save water and electrical power on a personal and professional basis.
Teamwork: We are a team with a common mission and a common perspective.
“Company” for us is – first of all, specialists united to achieve a common goal.
Self-improvement: We never get tired of learning!
Reputation:We run our business in good faith and steady manner.
Responsibility:We are responsible for the quality, results, professionalism and cost of the services we provide

Our team
Retail Facility Management

Recommendation letters
Retail Facility Management